Welcome to the Rotary Club of Muscogee-Columbus

Want to save the world? Join Rotary.

Want to have fun while saving the world? Join Muscogee Rotary.

For 25 years, Muscogee Rotary Club has been a tight-knit group of friends who share a common interest in making the world a better place. From supporting medical trips in Honduras to supporting literacy programs in Muscogee County Schools, our club is a global force for good.

We get together at least once a week, each Thursday at 7:30am at the Columbus Country Club. Some weeks we get together for informal dinner at various local restaurants. We are constantly meeting at each other's offices to plan service projects or upcoming events.

Muscogee Rotary is a diverse group of friends from all backgrounds and ages. 

What will you bring? Come visit and see.

News From Muscogee-Columbus Rotary

Stories about the recent activities of our club. Learn more »

Since 1985, Rotary has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the effort to rid the world of the polio virus.

Wild Polio Cases


The Muscogee-Columbus Club Calendar

What’s happening. See Full Calendar

Club Toolkit

A comprehensive source for Club officers, district leaders and everyday Rotarians. Learn more »


#27845 chartered March 5, 1991.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Columbus.
Active Membership: 24


Thursdays, 7:30 am
Country Club of Columbus
2610 Cherokee Ave
Columbus, GA 31906

Contact Info

P. O. Box 9152
Columbus, GA 31908

Leadership Team


Sara Jewell
Vic Burchfield
Public Image Chair
Dewayne Webb

Club Directors

Foundation Chair
Ken Couture
Membership Chair
Bob Andrews
Service Projects Chair
LouAnn Medlock


District Governor
Gordon Owens
Assistant Governor
Cedric Hill
GRSP Trustee
Ken Townsend
District Governor Elect
Steve Ivory
District Governor Nominee
Cynthia Dorsey Edwards
District Learning Facilitator
Mary Ligon
District Foundation Chair
Bob Hagan
District Membership Chair
Dave Schwickerath
District Public Image Chair
Mandy Timmons
District Treasurer
David O'Rear

Rotary International

Rotary President
Stephanie A. Urchick
Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair
Mark Daniel Maloney
General Secretary
John Hewko